On Mon, 8 Mar 2004, E.B. Dreger wrote:
> SD> They saw no _net_ savings.
> SD>
> SD> In the real world, it costs more to deploy and maintain
> The benefit is to other networks.  When other networks make your
> life easier, you benefit.

This confirms my statement.  You save nothing by deploying SAV on your
network.  There may be some indeterminate benefit at some indeterminate
time in the future after everyone else in the world correctly implements
SAV.  But there is no way to verify if every other network in the world
has correctly deployed SAV.  Even if everyone deploys SAV/uRPF you never
know when someone may misconfigure something, so you still have to keep
doing everything you were doing.

In the mean time, you get to pay for the extra costs for deploying
SAV/uRPF in addition to doing everything you were already doing.


>  If you want others to help you, help them.

I've already done my part.  I'm still waiting for others to help me.

Should I be expecting a check in the mail?

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