Oh yes, lets not forget the fact that if enough sites have this 'firewall' and one of them gets attacked by other sites using this firewall it'll create a nuclear fission sized chain reaction of looping Denial of Service Attacks that would probably bring most major backbone providers to their knees.

(Popcorn's in the microwave as I speak)


Jay Hennigan wrote:

On Wed, 10 Mar 2004, Gregory Taylor wrote:

After reading that article, if this product really is capable of
'counter striking DDoS attacks', my assumption is that it will fire
packets back at the nodes attacking it. Doing such an attack would not
be neither feasible or legal. You would only double the affect that the
initial attack caused to begin with, plus you would be attacking hacked
machines and not the culprit themselves, thus pouring gasoline all over
an already blazing inferno.

On the other hand, they could become immensely popular, reaching the critical mass when one of them detects what is interpreted as an attack from a network protected by another. Grab the popcorn and watch as they all bludgeon each other to death. :-)

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