Joel Jaeggli wrote:
> On Thu, 11 Mar 2004, Petri Helenius wrote:
>> Gregory Taylor wrote:
>>> Oh yes, lets not forget the fact that if enough sites have this
>>> 'firewall' and one of them gets attacked by other sites using this
>>> firewall it'll create a nuclear fission sized chain reaction of
>>> looping Denial of Service Attacks that would probably bring most
>>> major backbone providers to their knees.
>> Fortunately people with less clue usually have less bandwidth.
> When pricing structures and deployment of broadband in the US
> approaches that of Korea and Japan, I think you'll find that that
> isn't the case in the US anymore.

Out of interest, do the people see much in the way of DDOS attacks from
Japan? All that bandwidth and quite a sizable population (130 million) - but
maybe the latency to US and European targets contrains it?


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