<quote who="Michael Loftis">
> Experiment ... go to a college dorm that's wired, plug your laptop or PC
> in, start using the net.

> Nine times out of ten you wont' be challenged and you'll be
> allowed to use the network.

Has it been a while since you've been on a resnet?  They're bad, but most
all "ResNet's" I know of are now implementing some sort of MAC/DHCP combo
at the very least.

That might have been true a couple years ago but recent DMCA notices and
Worm activity have /forced/ (often by their upstream) ResNet's to clean up
their act.

I don't think our ResNet is a shining example of excellence by any stretch
but they know who is registered behind each port/ip/mac address which
gives you a pretty good idea of who is on your network.

I won't comment on what leaves the ResNet on port 25 and what leaves the
network with no prayer of ever routing back. *cough* That's a whole
'nother issue for them to deal with, and at some point soon, I think they

-davidu (speaking only for himself)

  David A. Ulevitch - Founder, EveryDNS.Net
  Washington University in St. Louis
  http://david.ulevitch.com -- http://everydns.net

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