On Sun, 14 Mar 2004, David A. Ulevitch wrote:

> Has it been a while since you've been on a resnet?  They're bad, but most
> all "ResNet's" I know of are now implementing some sort of MAC/DHCP combo
> at the very least.

The thing to remember is that all rooms are locked until someone is issued
a key.  So you have someone to blame if the port becomes hot in a dorm
room.  The public portals are another story and should require some sort
of registration.  The university I've been hounding for a while now had a
problem...They didn't require you to authenticate yourself only when your
mac changed, they required you to do it everytime the link status changed
on your port.  Problems with this are a many...

1. I have a laptop, I turn it off and on a lot...That's quite a bit of
logging in and with it being web based with SSL now it makes it even
harder for me to automate the login process.

2. Everytime they rebooted a switch, the switch powered off, etc...I'd
have to relogin.  This would always catch me when I had left my machine
online during the day to retreive something remotely while at work.  (I
can't take a laptop to work with me...but I can download from the net)

I go back to my statement time and time again...Who cares if there are 6
people in the room, I issue an honor system referral to ALL parties in the
room and let the justice system sort out who was at fault.  If they need
more information, I'll assign a senior engineer to investigate and pull
logs and check machines.  Often times the naughty student will fess to
their dirty work without requiring the extra work.  Less hassle for the
general population and less questions when the newbies can't figure out
how to login to access the Internet.

This login thing can also be extended to colleges who require VPNs for
wireless...Way to kill the battery on my ipaq doing all the calculations.
Plus it creates major setup complications for the general newbie and I
often wonder if its worth the hassle when most universities should worry
about the much worse problems like students who are sharing illegal warez.
In a corporate environment with confidential data flying around...There
better be a VPN on that wireless or one day you are going to have fun
explaining to your boss why your new top secret cookie recipe is on IRC.

I know I'm shooting in the wrong forest but I think some of the practices
of universities and supporting small ISPs really needs to be discussed.
Some of the IT management folks just don't have a clue because they have
never provided carrier class services.  As shown with the small ISP who
tried to stick hundreds of users behind a small, underpowered

I seriously investigated satellite based net access until I found the
regulation prohibiting dishes from being outside the window.

ICQ: 2895251
Cisco Certified Network Associate

"Learn from the mistakes of others. You won't live long enough to make all of them 

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