[Thu, Jun 24, 2004 at 10:20:33AM +0700]
Dr. Jeffrey Race Inscribed these words...

> On Thu, 24 Jun 2004 03:05:41 +0000 (GMT), Christopher L. Morrow wrote:
> >Sure, customer of a customer we got emailtools.com kicked from their
> >original 'home' now they've moved off (probably several times since 2000)
> >to another customer. This happens to every ISP, each time they appear we
> >start the process to disconnect them.
> This is too flagrant to let pass without comment.
> This "endless loop" situation does NOT happen to every ISP, only to those who
> have not emplaced procedures to prevent serial signups of serial abusers.  This is 
> trivially easy to do and your firm's failure to do so and to enforce this rule on 
> your
> contracting parties definitively proves your management's decision to profit from
> spam rather than to stop spam.

I think you may be missing a major point.  UUNET/MCI provides dedicated internet 
services to so many downstreams that it is impossible to stop spammers from 
signing up to those downstreams.  Preventing spammers from signing up for 
UUNET/MCI services is, yes, trivial.  Preventing spammers from signing up on a 
downstream of a downstream of a downstream etc is impossible.

> Jeffrey Race


Stephen (routerg)

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