> > Not 10 Mbps but: Telenor, the largest Norwegian service provider,
> > capped their ADSL customers at a ridiculously low 1 Gbyte/month for a
> > while. Presumably they lost sufficient business to other (uncapped)
> > providers that they noticed - the cap has now been removed.
> What did they do when customer went over the limit?

Reduced the speed to 64 kbps (made possible with Juniper ERX and its
provisioning system). Thus the customer would not be blocked, but it
would be quite noticeable that the cap had been reached.

During the period when the 1 Gbyte cap was in effect, the customers
could increase the cap - for a fee (I don't remember how much).

Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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