It is all very interesting. Why we did not have such research reported on
last NANOG meeting?

> also our grad student thomas studying p2p traffic tells me
> that there is no sense of localization in most (if not all)
> p2p networks; so i am more likely to download a movie from an
Interesting. Are there any p2P systems which optimize traffic by localizyng
it, when possible?

> (advertised as) ethernet user in Asia than from downloading
> from an (advertised as) DSL user next door.  and my understanding
> it that's all based on how the user configures their p2p
> servent, it's not like the network figures out the available
> bandwidth to potential remote clients.  that's a pretty loose
> definition of intelligence, believing everything you hear from
> an end host :)

> per seandonelan's reference, yes caida will have 2 papers
> on p2p traffic analysis by the end of the year, titles
> 'is p2p traffic dying or just hiding?' [take a guess]
> and 'transport layer identification of p2p traffic'.
> check caida web site in october.
> but neither study touches on the regional differences, i
> suspect it's a function of the relative popularity, ease-of-use,
> and type-of-content-served of certain applications in each place.
> i lend less weight to the differences than the similarities.
> killer app, indeed.
> k

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