On Thu, 2004-07-22 at 20:24, Robert L Mathews wrote:
> At 7/22/04 10:08 AM, Paul Vixie wrote:
> >the primary beneficiaries of this
> >new functionality are spammers and other malfeasants
> I think you're suggesting that such people will register domain names and 
> use them right away (which may be true), and that the lack of a delay 
> enables them to do things they couldn't otherwise do (which isn't).

Actually, this *does* make the spammer's lives a whole lote easier. See
my post to Bugtraq from about a year ago titled "Permitting recursion
can allow spammers to steal name server resources". It pretty much
hinges on the spammers finding an authority that will react quickly to
change requests.

Worst part is a year after that post I still see this activity taking
place. :(


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