On 7/23/04 5:29 AM, "Richard Cox" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, 22 Jul 2004 15:27:37 -1000 Randy Bush <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> | all they need to do is register foo.bar with delegation to their
> | dns servers, and change a third level domain name at will.
> Er, no.  They have of course tried that already!
> By registering foo.bar with delegation to THEIR dns servers gives full
> identification of THEIR dns servers, and the host or upstream of those
> servers can (and often does) start invoking their acceptable use policy.
> If not, then all the considerations that Paul V. recently cited about
> neighbours who allow bad things on their network, start to kick in.
> The scenario I have outlined - now well established, and the mechanism
> understood - allows the malfeasants to operate on the 'net with zero
> traceability of their identity or location, based on everything they do
> being able to be done through zombied Windows PCs or open(ed) proxies.

The distribution of spam is only half of the economy at work here.  Spam
doesn't occur in a vacuum.  The other half is the "site(s)" profiting from
the spam.  

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