I'm implying that a 7600 with non-OSM doesn't have more than a few ms of
buffers making a single highspeed TCP stream go into saw-tooth performance
mode via it's congestion mechanism being triggered by packet loss instead
of via change in RTT.

Yes, the GSR/juniper with often 500+ ms buffers are often of no use in
todays world, but it's nice to have 25ms buffers anyway, so TCP has some

I hate following up on my own message, so I'm following up on this. A point just raised privately was that *IF* you need the buffers you could just OSM the ports under stress [say the ones dedicated to the 1 or 2 expensive WAN links you may want to run near their top]. Considering a 4 port GE-WAN OSM is $800 on Ebay, I don't see how its even a pricing consideration.


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