On Wed, 18 Aug 2004, Deepak Jain wrote:

> the example we are talking about below, an _approximately_ 5Gb/s stream 
> on an _approximately_ full pipe the performance will be significantly 
> better than you imply. And I have customers that do it pretty regularly 
> (2 ~500Mb/s streams per GE port - telemetry data) on their equipment 
> with very small buffers (3550s).

Well, my experience is that 500 meg on a gig link background, and then a 
single highspeed tcp stream on top of that, it's basically the same thing 
as putting a 500 meg policer on it. And on a 500 meg policer on a gig link 
and trying to go as fast as you can with a gig-connected machine, you 
won't be able to use the remaining 500 meg, you'll get 200-300 meg.
> I suppose your example of transoceanic connectivity vs an 80km span was 
> an example where a congestion case would exist for a long time rather 
> than a decent upgrade plan. I guess that is a spend more on HW vs spend 
> more on connectivity model -- or trust that C or J overengineered so the 
> network doesn't have to be properly engineered [by assumption].

Yes, that is exactly what I mean. If connectivity is expensive, spend more 
on what you connect to that connectivity, if connectivity is cheap, buy 
two and buy cheaper things to connect to it.
Mikael Abrahamsson    email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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