Outsourcing is a way of life. It is a result of free trade policy. It has
been happening for a long time in the other industries. There are very real
benefits to the outsourcing. It helps keep our cost of living down (I live
in California). On the other hand, it is very hard on the folks whose
livelihood it is affecting.

On the the other hand, there can be some concrete steps that can be taken to
alleviate the problem in US. More education and training would help the
displaced folks better adapt to the changing landscape. Did you know that
only 7% of native born Californians go to graduate school?  Government
should invest in infrastructure or give tax incentives to companies
investing in infrastructure. Building infrastructure provides base on which
innovation flourishes.
There should be pressure built on foreign governments to play by the rules.
For instance, if a country were to have fixed currency instead of allowing
it float, then it is using unfair practices. Allowing currencies to float in
countries where the outsourced jobs are landing would increase their buying
power and the cost differential goes down very quickly.

This country (USA) has always been on the cutting edge of innovation for
generations. They have always managed to come up with the next level of
innovation to come out on tops. They have been doing it for years and there
is no reason to believe that it won't happen again. Don't listen to all the
doom and gloom being spewed.

Vinay Bannai

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