On Mon, Nov 29, 2004 at 02:14:01PM +0000, Fergie (Paul Ferguson) wrote:
> Techdirt has an article this morning that discusses how
> Lycos Europe is encouraging their users to run a screensaver
> that constantly "pings servers suspected to be used by
> spammers" and also suggests that "In other words, it's a
> distributed denial of service attack against spammers by Lycos."

Already noted as unbelievably stupid and dissected on Spam-L, but:
getting into a bandwidth contest with spammers is a guaranteed loss, as
they have an [essentially] infinite amount available to them for free.
Apparently Lycos is unaware of zombies (including those hosting web
sites), HTTP redirectors, rapidly-updating DNS, throwaway domains,
and other facts of life in the spam sewer.


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