On Thu, Feb 24, 2005 at 07:08:07PM +0000, Edward B. Dreger wrote:

> On the cynical side:  Has anyone considered an "inverted" blacklist --
> i.e., a _destination_-based mail blocking mechanism?  Rejecting mail to
> parties with excessive bogus complaint rates certainly might simplify
> life for those tasked with handling "abuse" incidents. ;-)

It's interesting that you should ask that today.  A few days ago
we started throwing around an idea along these lines:
  - N = # of bogus abuse/spam reports for a given destination
  - X = # of reports where we stop delivering mail to 
        a given destination
  - for 0 < N < X -- deliver the mail, but also inform the sender
    that the destination address has reported spam/abuse coming from
    our network, and that if it continues, we won't deliver mail
    to that destination anymore.
  - for N > X -- tell the sender that we aren't delivering the mail
    because it is likely to get us put on a blacklist.  

We haven't fleshed things out completely, because we're not sure
the cure is better than the disease yet...
John Osmon

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