On Tue, 22 Mar 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:=
: On Tue, 22 Mar 2005 06:18:57 -1000, Scott Weeks said:

: > : "Utah's governor signed a bill on Monday that would
: > : require Internet providers to block Web sites deemed
: > : pornographic and could also target e-mail providers
: > : and search engines."
: > :
: > : 
: > :
: > Politician lip flappage for votes.  It has no chance of passing.
: Umm... but the Governor *signed* it already?  Sort of ups its chances just a 
: Hopefully, it has no chance of surviving a judicial review...

On Tue, 22 Mar 2005, Paul G wrote:

: perhaps i'm missing something, but it's passed the state legislature and
: wassigned by the governor. what else would it have to pass, then?

Ok, passing wasn't the correct term. IANAL.  Here's what I saw:

   "I am having a hard time seeing how this law will survive a
   constitutional challenge, given the track record of state anti-Internet
   porn laws--which are routinely struck down as violating the First
   Amendment and the dormant Commerce Clause," Eric Goldman, a professor
   at the Marquette University  Law School in Milwaukee, Wis., wrote in a
   critique of the law.


   A federal judge struck down a similar law in Pennsylvania last year.

That is what I meant, but it has been pointed out that this extract is not
accurate anyway.  Damn journalists...  :-)


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