On Tue, 29 Mar 2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> > and if you peer with all networks in the 'transit free zone' then you too 
> > become 
> > transit free also.
> > 
>       er.. hate to rain on your parade but if I peer with everyone 

these are not the words of someone hating to rain on me!

>       i need/want to exchange traffic with, i am transit-free, even
>       if I -NEVER- touch any other part of the commercial Internet...

mmm yeah but in the context we have here of ISPs providing connectivity to 
ISPs or enterprises this isnt very realistic so i dont see the point of arguing 
the technicality. 

>       my packets get to where they need to go and all packets I want
>       get to me.  my life is good ... even if I only appear as vestigal
>       to the commercial Internet, if I appear at all.

sounds more like an enterprise with specific requirements to connect to a 
limited part of the internet.. this is not the sort of ISP operation that i am 
working in.

>       how would you classify such a network?  T1, T2, ODDBALL-0, 
>       non-Internet-265, ???  



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