Tiered service is fine, but, charge per octet transferred will not work for
me until I can have control over which octets are transferred.  As long
as I can't block spammers and abusers from adding to my bill without
blocking services I want (email, web usage, the ability to host some
small websites, etc.), and as long as search engines and such can generate
traffic on my network without  me having any recourse to bill them for
it to recoup my costs, I think metered service is not a great idea,
at least at the small-pipe (<10mbps) end of the scale.


--On Thursday, March 31, 2005 10:25 AM -0500 Greg Boehnlein

> On Thu, 31 Mar 2005, Brad Knowles wrote:
> [Deleted]
>>      What I really think we need here are some "truth-in-advertising" 
>> laws which are applied to oversubscription rates.  That'd solve the 
>> problem really quick.
> How about we regulat the Internet like the Electric Utility and charge
> per  byte transferred? :)
> That would shut down Peer To Peer traffic rather quickly, and it would 
> ensure that everyone pays a fair amount for what they use.
> I'm only half serious here.. However, I do agree that truth in
> advertising  is a good thing.
> On a different tact, where I -THINK- the market will eventually end up is 
> w/ different classes of BroadBand service, whereby QOS and priority will 
> be given to those that wish to pay for it. The $14.95 services will be a 
> best-effort, and the $59.95 services will have priority.
> -- 
>     Vice President of N2Net, a New Age Consulting Service, Inc. Company
>          http://www.n2net.net Where everything clicks into place!
>                              KP-216-121-ST

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