--- "Jay R. Ashworth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Actually, and I think the distinction is pertinent
> to this discussion,
> if the car has no seatbelts, you can drive it just
> fine -- as long as
> it came that way.  You can't *sell* a car without
> seatbelts, anymore.

That may be the rule in Florida, but in DC, MD, and UT
(the states in which I've lived in the past 2
decades), you can be be ticketed if you are driving a
car and not wearing a seatbelt.  

To make this a little bit more relevant to our
VoIP/911 discussion, would we allow a startup car
company to sell something which looked like a
seatbelt, but was not crash rated above 5 mph?  No, of
course we wouldn't.  Would that be anticompetitive? 
No, it just means that to be a startup car company,
you have to meet the same safety standards as the
existing car companies. 

If we want to take the analogy away from something
which is a direct safety issue, the exact same
argument applies to emissions standards.  They're
"standard" for a reason: they apply to everyone, and
every car maker must comply.  (SUVs are classified as
trucks, and comply with the truck rules).

Why would these arguments not apply to VoIP?  

David Barak
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