DA> Date: Sat, 23 Apr 2005 16:13:22 -0400 (EDT)
DA> From: Dean Anderson

DA> And it violates RFC 1546, as previously explained.

Who cares?  You've railed against SMTP+AUTH because it's not a
"standard".  Why do you give a rat's rump about 1546?

DA> Well, PPLB isn't the end of the world. But PPLB is coming, and the smart
DA> people will be prepared for it.  They dumb people, well, they're dumb.

Perhaps PPLB becomes more common.  Time for SACK, lest traditional TCP
do bad things.

As for anycast, there's a fair chance people building anycast clusters
will work around PPLB.  Maybe they'll build topologies to avoid
problems.  Maybe they'll have behind-the-scenes unicast intelligence to
deal with TCP session transfer.

I'll leave it at that.  This thread is getting old, and 1xRTT latency
makes SSH uncomfortable.

DA> What can be expected from dumb people?

Frequent NANOG posting.

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