On Thu, 19 May 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Thu, 19 May 2005 08:04:31 PDT, Roger Marquis said:
Laurent Frigault wrote:
gethostbyaddr (and may be other functions) will return NULL under at
least FreeBSD/NetBSD for ANY PTR having the "_" character.

As it should. I wish it would also return a null for hostnames containing sequential non-alphanumerics (--, ---, __, ___, ...).

Don't like RFC3490 and its xn-- hostnames? ;)

Most definitely not, and if this were 1985 I'd be {rf}commenting on the inadvisability of such hostnames, and those beginning or ending with "-", TLD names shorter than 2 or longer than 4 characters, spaces in hostnames, [^a-z0-9\\-\\.], and other such marginally useful but infinitely problematic features.

There is real value in KIS, and not just from the perspective of a
security-minded coder...

Roger Marquis
Roble Systems Consulting

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