> Does a DNS have specific reqirements? I imagine it
> would not need the root cache file since it would go
> nowhere except own domain.

well, first, there are likely many nameserver software
specific funnies here.  but, in general, the big steps

  o run a nameserver on a box on your network, let's
    call it N

  o that has to be authoritative for at least your

  o be sure that the client resolvers on all other
    machines point to that box.  the BINDism for this
    is an /etc/resolv.conf with

       nameserver 666.42.7.11

    presuming N is at 666.42.7.11

  o of course, for any use of the real internet, N
    has to provide at least caching service for the
    real internet domain name space, which will get
    you into the root hints issue to which you allude.

if all your software is BIND, then maybe get more
specific help on the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list.  otherwise,
while this list is as good as any, you may want to do a
bit more reading first.  you are in a very grotty space
with private dns etc.


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