
About 1 year ago (early 2004), in a one month period, we had every
single MCI outstanding billing dispute resolved  -- some even that were
over 4 years old. It seemed to me that the dispute resolution people
actually gave a hoot all of a sudden. And, some inside information I
gleaned was that they were instructed by the higest levels to do so.

Also, about 2 months ago, we had a random $90k charge on an account that
usually bills a few thousand a month. This was quickly resolved (as in,

Our rep was the channel used, and he was good about it.

-----Original Message-----
Dan Hollis
Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2005 6:32 PM
To: ''
Subject: MCI billing fraud ... again

We're being hit up by MCI's billing fraud again. You'd think after the
multiple settlements, the $4 billion accounting fraud and Ebbers' 
25 year prison sentence that MCI would have learned something, but
apparently not.

Anyone have a definitive method of dealing with these clowns? Any
contacts for someone skilled in getting MCI to FOAD?


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