On Sat, 30 Jul 2005, Brad Knowles wrote:
>       BTW, the original slides are supposed to be at
> <http://www.infowarrior.org/users/rforno/lynn-cisco.pdf>.  However,
> what's there now is currently a place-holder, although it does tell
> you that if you're looking for the original PDF file that you can
> still access that at
> <http://www.infowarrior.org/users/rforno/lynn-cisco1.pdf>.

The PDFs at infowarrior.org have been replaced with a letter from ISS's
lawyers requesting the paper be removed (with the attached Injunction).

I guess it means we are all safe now.

Simon J. Lyall.  |   Very  Busy   |   Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"To stay awake all night adds a day to your life" - Stilgar | eMT.

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