Sorry for the interruption but I wish just once I could follow a
topical list where 50% or more of the traffic wasn't people posting or
arguing about how this or that post was off-topic!

The meta-banter gets worse than the banter; the latter at least
usually touches on some possibly interesting subject such as phishing
policies or Katrina or FCC/VOIP issues, unlike the meta-banter.

           A SUGGESTION (this isn't just more meta-banter)

A committee (of one or more) with an alias who become generally
understood as being the SOLE SOURCE of polite "that's off-topic"
postings, and an alias others who wish someone would point out that a
thread or post is off-topic can send that suggestion to rather than
any number of people buzzing the entire list with their complaint.

I realize it won't be perfect and there'll be leaks but maybe it'll
come to be a commonly accepted convention with some prodding and
routine announcements etc.

Call it: nanog-ombudsman (nanog-ombudsperson?), whatever, nanog-meta?

Sorry for the meta-banter and no I'm not volunteering mainly because I
honestly don't think I'm qualified to judge what is on/off-topic as
this note amply demonstrates.

        -Barry Shein

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