On Thu, 2005-10-13 at 11:05 -0700, Peter Lothberg wrote:

> Is there anyone who can talk to it using IPv6 on the Nanog list? 
> (Time20.Stupi.SE, 2001:0440:1880:1000::0020)

As a certain "Tier 1" still uses a mesh of tunnels and uses Viagenie in
Canada as their transit provider latency to the above IP is in the area
of 300ms, going transatlantic twice. IPv4 latency is only 66ms though.
I do hope that some "Tier 1's" get their act together and start doing
native IPv6. I already once suggested upgrading their hardware to
them ;)

For other people wanting latency tests etc, I suggest one takes a look
at the following URL's:
http://www.sixxs.net/tools/grh/ - IPv6 BGP monitor using a large number
of ISP's for input, thus basically a distributed looking glass.

http://www.sixxs.net/tools/traceroute/ - IPv4 & IPv6 Traceroute, so one
can perform the below oneselves, except then from the web....

Of course also handy RIPE's RIS (http://ris.ripe.net) and a lot of other
links listed on the main GRH page, near the bottom.



[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ traceroute6 2001:0440:1880:1000::0020
traceroute to 2001:0440:1880:1000::0020 (2001:440:1880:1000::20) from
2001:838:1:1:210:dcff:fe20:7c7c, 30 hops max, 16 byte packets
 1  fe0.breda.ipv6.concepts-ict.net (2001:838:1:1::1)  0.386 ms  0.348
ms  0.316 ms
 2  se2.ams-ix.ipv6.concepts-ict.net (2001:838:0:10::1)  2.139 ms  2.057
ms  2.187 ms
 3  ge0-1-0.rtr1.ams-tc2.io.nl (2001:7f8:1::a502:4587:1)  2.306 ms
2.245 ms  2.477 ms
 4  ge-0-1-0-0-v189.ipv6.rtr1.ams-rb.io.nl (2001:1460:2000::1)  3.03 ms
2.714 ms  5.233 ms
 5  if-11-0-1-459.6bb1.AD1-Amsterdam.ipv6.teleglobe.net
(2001:5a0:200::15)  3.533 ms  3.38 ms  4.053 ms
 6  gin-mtt-6bb1.ipv6.teleglobe.net (2001:5a0:300::1)  90.535 ms  90.651
ms  89.447 ms
 7  tu-0.viagenie.mlpsca01.us.b6.verio.net (2001:418:0:4000::26)
125.304 ms  117.245 ms  125.672 ms
 8  3ffe:b00:c18::f (3ffe:b00:c18::f)  188.142 ms  195.208 ms  186.002
 9  sl-s1v6-nyc-t-1000.sprintv6.net (2001:440:1239:1001::2)  338.253 ms
190.913 ms  192.706 ms
10  sl-bb1v6-sto-t-101.sprintv6.net (2001:440:1239:1012::1)  289.743 ms
289.226 ms sl-bb1v6-sto-t-102.sprintv6.net (2001:440:1239:100d::2)
286.042 ms
11  2001:7f8:d:fb::34 (2001:7f8:d:fb::34)  307.681 ms  308.409 ms
306.03 ms
12  2001:440:1880:1::2 (2001:440:1880:1::2)  309.458 ms  305.965 ms
308.103 ms
13  2001:440:1880:1::12 (2001:440:1880:1::12)  310.033 ms  308.292 ms
308.387 ms
14  2001:440:1880:1000::20 (2001:440:1880:1000::20)  291.071 ms  294.227
ms  288.971 ms
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ traceroute time20.stupi.se
traceroute to time20.stupi.se (, 64 hops max, 40 byte
 1  ge-1-3-0.colo.breda.concepts-ict.net (  0 ms  0 ms  0
 2  at-0-3-1.nikhef.concepts-ict.net (  2 ms  10 ms  2 ms
 3  ams1-core.gigabiteth0-2.swip.net (  2 ms  3 ms  2 ms
 4  cor1-core.pos5-0.swip.net ( [MPLS: Label 755 Exp 0]
118 ms *  66 ms
 5  par1-core.pos12-0.swip.net ( [MPLS: Label 390 Exp 0]
66 ms  66 ms  66 ms
 6  lon1-core.pos1-0.swip.net ( [MPLS: Label 128 Exp 0]
28 ms  26 ms  26 ms
 7  kst1-core.pos5-0.swip.net (  65 ms *  65 ms
 8  cty3-core.srp4-0.swip.net (  75 ms  71 ms  66 ms
 9  R29-YB-SRP-1-0.Stupi.NET (  66 ms  66 ms  66 ms
10  * * *
11  Time20.Stupi.SE (  66 ms  68 ms  66 ms

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