On Sun, 16 Oct 2005, Susan Harris wrote:

> >> there is no hope in having operators explain to ietf that the current path
> >> is fruitless? certainly they can be made to see the light, yes?
> >
> > you have not spent much time with the ivtf, have you?
> Actually Chris has been extremely active in the IETF - his draft on
> current/desired router filtering capabilities is something that's been
> needed for a while (draft-morrow-filter-caps-01.)

doh, supposedly it's a WG document now, but honestly I just have a big
mouth, George Jones provided most of the content and guidance... I just
tried to hang myself with the xml authoring 'tools' :(

I do hope to gain more ietf experience though... (I may bring a hard hat
this time around)

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