On Thu, 2005-11-10 at 00:01 +0000, Mike Hughes wrote:

> * How do you differentiate between a switch/router and a router?

Ooh, that's easy: just look at the crap they spew towards the peering
fabric. :-)

> A lot of people are deploying C76xx as peering routers ...

... which should be prohibited by law. Actually, C76xx should be
prohibited by law.

> ... At the same time it permits switch/routers, and various
> LAN/Ethernet extension services, as long as they are sensibly managed
> and configured.

Right. It does give complications wrt. trouble-shooting connectivity
though. Switch port up but no traffic (L2 black-holing), a single L2
provider with a loop or misconfiguration causing port security
violations on all of their customers' ports, communication channels when
those problems come up, etc. Having said that, so far it's still pretty

-- Steven

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