On Jun 13, 2006, at 11:55, Randy Bush wrote:

but what leaves me wondering is why this is all so difficult.

Possibly because many people find writing formal security policies, which I think is what we're really talking about here, to be a dry and unpleasant experience, much less fun that code-hacking or packet- analyzing or whatever else you can find to do instead.

why can isc not simply say "we plan to vet zones as follows:.
and we plan to manage maintenance of key rollover as follows:

Would it help if I volunteered to talk to folks and help write something up? I mean, if there's some other issue that is preventing ISC from nailing this down, then that's one thing. But if it's just a case of "never seems to bubble up to the top of the stack", then maybe a little outside assistance can do the trick.

Besides, now that the semester's over, I need something besides just firing off resumes (gotta fill that summer time, and not completely lose touch with the Real World!) to keep myself entertained.

You may flame when ready, Gridley.

Brian McMahon <brian dot mcmahon at cabrillo dot edu>
Computer Networking and System Administration Instructor
Cabrillo College, Aptos, California

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