Todd> There are simple solutions to this.  They do work in spite of
  Todd> the moanings of the few who have been mistakenly blocked.

So it is OK so long as we only defame a few people and potentially
ruin their lives?

  Todd> In the meantime my patience with email "lost" in the sea of
  Todd> spam not blocked by blacklists, etc. is growing thin.

Hmm.  Let me think a minute.  Nope not buying it.  I have already
given two simple solutions that don't involve potentially dropping job
offers, wedding invitations, letters from old sweethearts, and other
such irreplaceable email.  Certainly it is impossible to guarantee all
mail gets delivered.  But to intentionally make it worse by
deliberately deleting other people's email is arrogant and immoral.

On the other side what do we have for those falsely defamed?  I
suppose we could psychically contact them to tell them their mail was
deleted.  Certainly email won't be reliable enough after these guys
are done with it.

If they worked for the post office these guys would be in jail.

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