On Thu, Nov 09, 2006 at 09:26:13AM -0500, Robert Boyle wrote:
> At 09:23 AM 11/9/2006, you wrote:
> >On Thu, Nov 09, 2006, Robert Boyle wrote:
> >
> >> You should also create a bogons list for your BGP routes which you
> >> accept from your upstream. Block all RFC1918 space and unassigned
> >> public addresses too. Just keep on top of it when new allocations are
> >> put into use. We see all kinds of crazy things which people try to
> >> announce (and successfully too - up to our borders anyway.)
> >
> >Is there a somewhat-reliable bogon BGP feed that can be subscribed to
> >these days?
> We just maintain our own. I remember hearing about one a while ago, 
> but we don't use it so I don't know any details.

I'd strongly advise against folks doing it statically.. there seems to be 
ongoing issues with stale filters each time new address space is released. Even 
with the best of intentions folks change role or employer and things can get 
left unmanaged.

The craziest stuff that gets announced isnt in the reserved/unallocated realm 
anyway so the effort seems to be disproportional to the benefits... and most 
issues I read about with reserved space is packets coming FROM them not TO 


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