There is a current on-going Internet emergency: a critical 0day
vulnerability currently exploited in the wild threatens numerous desktop
systems which are being compromised and turned into bots,

I feel very strongly that this is just yet-another-Windows-vulnerability.

If I wanted to read about Windows vulnerabilities, then I would be subscribed to whatever list that is.

As such, it really has no place on nanog.

I don't want to have this list clogged every time some moron has his Windows 2000 / IIS v5.x site hacked.

Further, you are suggesting that everyone else pay the freight for what are Microsoft's security problems.

This "Internet Emergency" doesn't appear to be a problem on Linux/OSX/Solaris; nor have I read about Cisco IOS or CatOS, or Juniper's OS having problems either.

I actually signed up to post instead of just lurking, specifically to ask you all to kill this thread.

If the list feels otherwise, and that it is of interest and within nanog guidelines, then I acquiesce, respecting the greater wisdom of the list.


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