> Maybe ARIN staff should start re-writing policies and
> implementing out punishments. Guarantee you if operators were
> penalized for not following rules, for allowing filth to leave
> their networks, I bet you many maladies on the net would be
> cut substantially.

Sorry, that's not their job. That is *YOUR* job!
Join the list and propose the new policy.

And ARIN will never mete out punishments or act as a police force in any
way because that is not in ARIN's charter. However, it could operate a
whois directory that meets the needs of network operators fighting
abuse, if said network operators would get off their butts, agree on a
policy describing such a whois directory, and propose it to ARIN.

It's like a lot of those people who complain about the Bush
administration. If you asked them whether they voted Democrat in the
last election, they often say no, they didn't vote at all. Well, you not
only get what you vote for, but you also get what you don't vote
against. Network operators who don't participate in ARIN policy
development don't deserve to complain about anything ARIN-related.

--Michael Dillon

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