In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you write:
>I've read your email twice and I dont follow. 
>Either you are telling me
>a) Provide my own hints with AAAA included (you specifically say thats not 
>what you mean tho)
>b) Serve my own root zone. From a root operator, surely thats not right either 
>(I hope!)?

        You don't want to override the NS records.  You want to augment the
        address records.  You can do it on a per host basis (which is what I
        do at home) or you can do it by augmenting the contents of  You will note that I have choosen not
        to leak the addresses to anyone other than myself.

        zone "" {
                type master;
                file "master/";
                notify no;
                allow-query { localhost; };

        zone "" {
                type master;
                file "master/";
                notify no;
                allow-query { localhost; };

        zone "" {
                type master;
                file "master/";
                notify no;
                allow-query { localhost; };

        zone "" {
                type master;
                file "master/";
                notify no;
                allow-query { localhost; };

        zone "" {
                type master;
                file "master/";
                notify no;
                allow-query { localhost; };


        zone "" {
                type master;
                file "master/";
                notify no;
                allow-query { localhost; };

>>      In the few couple of years I've only seen two outages with the
>>      IPv6 root instances.  In both cases they were fixed soon after
>>      reporting the outage.
>So there are v6 roots out there?

        I'm using the IPv6 addresses published by the root server
        operators on  They are the
        addresses that will be added to zone once
        there is agreement to add them.

> Where are they hiding and why arent they being provided in
> the hints file or NS queries on . ?

        They arn't hiding.  They were published years ago.  It's
        just a long process to get them added to the

        I added them to my config on Feb 18 2005 and they had been
        published for a long time when I did that.

-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  160 Feb 18  2005 /var/named/master/
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  156 Feb 18  2005 /var/named/master/
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  162 Feb 18  2005 /var/named/master/
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  154 Feb 18  2005 /var/named/master/
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  155 Feb 18  2005 /var/named/master/


>> B.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.     3600    IN      A
>> B.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.     3600    IN      AAAA    2001:478:65::53
>> F.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.     3600    IN      A
>> F.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.     3600    IN      AAAA    2001:500::1035
>> H.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.     3600    IN      A
>> H.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.     3600    IN      AAAA    2001:500:1::803f:235
>> K.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.     3600    IN      A
>> K.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.     3600    IN      AAAA    2001:7fd::1
>> M.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.     3600    IN      A
>> M.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.     3600    IN      AAAA    2001:dc3::35
>> >Note also that various ccTLD's are able to add glue to your zone on
>> >request (notably .fr/.ch/.nl/.se do so already for quite some time)
>> >
>> >Greets,
>> > Jeroen

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