On July 27, 2007 at 06:14 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lionel Elie Mamane) wrote:
 > Also, I've heard that Canada had (maybe still has) this legislation
 > forbidding you to route intra-Canadian *telephone* traffic through
 > another country. Something about else nobody would build a
 > intercontinental coast-to-coast Canadian network, would just send
 > long-distance traffic to the USA, go to other coast and send it back
 > to Canada and being this dependent on a foreign country, that's bad.

OTOH, the spirit of the Bretton Woods conferences at the end of WWII
on preventing a repeat was that such critical industrial
interdependencies were fundamental to dissuading nations from going to
war on one another. So far the idea has worked pretty well, exceptions

Obviously YMMV.

        -Barry Shein

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