On Sun, 30 Dec 2007 12:08:34 +0100
Jeroen Massar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Scott Weeks wrote:
> [..]
> > I have about 100K DSL customers at this time and most all are households.
> > 65K wouldn't cover that.  At this point, I doubt that I'd require much
> > more than just asking and making sure the person is understanding what
> > they're asking for.  Mostly, that'd be the leased line customers.
> Thus why didn't you request a larger prefix from ARIN then?
> Clearly you can justify it.
> Then again, if you are going to provide /56's to home users, nobody will
> think you are a bad person and most people will be quite happy already.
> In your case I would then reserve (probably topdown) /48's, for the
> larger sites/businesses and start allocating bottom-up for /56's to
> endusers.

Another idea would be to give each non-/48 customer the
first /56 out of each /48. If you started out with a /30 or /31 RIR block , by
the time you run out of /48s, you can either start using up the
subsequent /56s out of the first /48, as it's likely that the first /56
customer out of the /48 would have needed the /48 by that time.
Alternatively you might have become more comfortable with giving each
customer a /48, and wouldn't require any of them to renumber - they'd
just have to shorten their prefix length.



        "Sheep are slow and tasty, and therefore must remain constantly
                                   - Bruce Schneier, "Beyond Fear"

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