Hello Bill:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> William Herrin
> Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 7:55 AM
> To: nanog@merit.edu
> Subject: Re: Cost per prefix [was: request for help w/ ATT and
> terminology]
> On Jan 21, 2008 10:28 PM, Jon Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Is there really any point in trying to put a $ figure on each route?
> Jon,
> Emphatically Yes!
> Right now we rely on ARIN and the RIRs to artificially suppress the
> growth of the prefix count and with it the availability of PI space.
> This is a Really Bad Thing on so many levels, but absent a viable
> market-based solution to the problem, authority-based rationing is
> really the only thing we can do.
> If we can determine the cost to announce a prefix then we could
> develop a market-based solution to the problem... One where instead of
> suppressing the prefix count and dealing with it as business overhead,
> we GET PAID for announcing and propagating prefixes.
> There are several market models that could work, but they all depend
> on having a reliable metric for the cost of announcing a prefix. So,
> if you think you'd like to get paid for announcing routes instead of
> continuing to give the service away for free then yes, there is a
> point to determining the cost of a prefix.
Hmm, who gets paid?  It sounds like your hinting around a telco-type reciprocal 
payment model (correct me if I'm wrong).  Do I pay my upstreams who in turn pay 
there upstreams and so on and so on?  Or, is there some central, uber-authority 
that gets paid by all of us?  It seems to me that there are many billing models 
that accommodate point-to-point relationships, but I'm having a hard time 
coming up with a mental model of payment in the many-to-many environment in the 


Michael Smith

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