Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 26, 2008 at 11:43:10AM +0100,
>  Arnd Vehling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote 
>  a message of 12 lines which said:
>> Every ISP requesting an ASN from one of the LIR's should be required
>> to make a test covering the neccessary skillsets.
> Giving the rapid turnover of people in this industry, I'm not sure it
> would help. Two months after the test, may be all the clueful people
> will be gone.

How about an ISP running BGB is required to have a number of "LIR
certified" BGP people and is otherwise not allowed to peer *grin*

> And what about the organizations which rely on external consultancy?
> Should it be forbidden?

No, the consultants can be "LIR certified" too. I just dont see why
people need to have a damn license for "lots of stuff" but noone cares
if the people running border routers have the neccessary qualifications.
It just doesnt make sense and i am pretty sure that this _will_ change.

-- Arnd

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