> But, due to a lot of effort in making better educational material
> available for pilots, including better flight simulators and
> better simulator scenarios, flying is a lot safer than it was
> in 1958.

At the risk of being a stereotypical American liberal, I'll point out two
significant reasons flying is safer than it used to be in the US are Federal
regulation and post-accident lawsuits. If there were an organization like
the FAA that had the power to "ground" AS17557 until their network engineers
completed a week's refresher course, there'd be significantly better change
management techniques in play. If YouTube were currently suing Pakistani
Telecom for eighty-seven gazillion dollars-- and were widely considered a
lock to win their lawsuit-- suddenly a whole lot of other ISPs would
magically find the training budget to make sure THEIR engineers didn't
expose THEM to that sort of liability.

Pilots don't spend dozens of hours in simulators because it's fun, they do
it to get/keep their license. American Airlines doesn't spend millions of
dollars on pilot (and ground crew) education because they're run by
philanthropists, they do it because screwups could cost them orders of
magnitude more money. The Internet lacks any such enforcement mechanisms.
How many people do you think have lost their jobs for this latest incident?
What are the odds that the responsible party lost a penny in revenue or in

When there is no financial or regulatory pressure to avoid screwups,
avoiding screwups ceases to be a priority at Layer 8 or Layer 9. And then
you have incidents like this, where the operational solutions are widely
agreed upon and the political obstacles are widely agreed to be
insurmountable. And we wait for the next incident.
Dave Pooser, ACSA
Manager of Information Services
Alford Media http://www.alfordmedia.com

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