Well, give the junky little NAT boxes their due.  Grubby little home
networks running windoze on one or a few computers cause a lot less trouble
in the world when there is a junky little NAT box between the house LAN and
the big world outside.  Better ways to do it?  Absolutely!  Easier,
cheaper and more widely methods that at least squelch a good bit of the
crap?  Maybe not...

On 6/4/07, Donald Stahl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Also, it is good to control the Internet addressable devices on your
> by putting them behind a NAT device. That way you have less devices to
> concern yourself about that are directly addressable when they most
> need not be. You can argue that you can do the same with a firewall and
> default deny policy but it's a hell of a lot easier to sneak packets
past a
> firewall when you have a directly addressable target behind it than when
> it's all anonymous because it's NATed and the real boxes are on RFC1918.
This is patently untrue. Using a firewall such as CheckPoint, which
integrates NAT into the object definition, makes it just as likely to
accidentally allow traffic to a NAT'd address as it does a real address.
Either you are allowing access to the _object_ or you are not.

If you start messing with the NAT table directly then you open up another
can of worms- namely additional complexity and a greater opportunity for

> So really, those who do not think there is a security gain from NATing
> see the big picture.
We see the big picture- we see applications with a ton of extra code to
handle NAT- code that may contain mistakes and end up being compromised.

We see firewalls that need more code to handle NAT'd applications- code
that contains mistakes and can be compromised.

We see firewall rule sets that are more complicated and make less than if
NAT were not involved.

We see security/performance problems that are harder to troubleshoot
because we have to dig through a NAT table to figure out which connection
is which.

Keep it simple. NAT is a terrible terrible hack- and it's sad that it's
become so accepted in the maintsream.


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