
Another concept that might be useful with *that* much address space is 
the concept of modeling your ENEMIES' networks inside of unique space 
(persistently, forever). I'm sure we aren't far from the days where 
boxen will be set up to emulate the interaction between hundreds of 
other nodes, latency, jitter and packet loss included. It might be a fun 
project to be asked to pursue.

There really isn't a platform in current address space to do that (once 
you add persistently and multiple enemies) to the equation.



Dorn Hetzel wrote:
> Brings a whole new meaning to packet fragmentation :)
> On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 5:05 PM, Deepak Jain <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>      > Perhaps next each round of ammo will have its own IPv6 address.
>      >
>     Perhaps every round will (or anti-personnel) mine will be stamped with
>     its V6 address so you can track its shrapnel for all time? IPv6 ensures
>     uniqueness, there is no requirement for universal, perpetual
>     connectivity.
>     DJ
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