Skywing wrote:
> Of course, in much of the US, "vote with your feet" on residential ISP 
> service might as well be as realistic advice as "pack up and move to a 
> different city".  [Perhaps not in the OP's case, though, if they are 
> fortunate.  Which it seems like they might be.]

It isn't different here either :)

Solution: if there is no alternative, it might be an idea to create one.

We had to do that here and works like a treat. You might find, that you
get more custom, that you wished for.

Kind regards,
Martin List-Petersen

> - S
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Martin List-Petersen [] 
> Sent: Sunday, December 28, 2008 3:59 PM
> To: Matthew Black
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: What to do when your ISP off-shores tech support
> Matthew Black wrote:
>> On Sat, 27 Dec 2008 11:53:18 +0000
>>  Martin List-Petersen <> wrote:
>>> The problem is, and this was stated by the original poster, that the
>>> lads off-shore he deals with have no clue and simply stick to the
>>> script. No intention of looking what the real problem is. And that
>>> problem lies not in the call center. It is the deal, that $TELCO struck
>>> with $CALLCENTER and the procedures, that were put in place, that are
>>> the problem.
>>> Only solution: find a provider, who's support (off-shore or not) does
>>> have a clue, has an escalation process and is willing to find a solution.
>> How does one find such a provider? I'm unaware of any company
>> that lets potential customers test drive their $SERVICE call center
>> before purchase. 
> Ask others for their experience :), like for example here.
>> Even if one did, how is a potential customer
>> supposed to evaluate the competence of said call center when
>> customer has no clue as to what problems may arise 5 years after
>> purchase of provider's service, whether said test drive provided
>> an accurate and appropriate solution, and whether said call center
>> quality will exist 5 years after purchase of the service.
> Well, if you're not any happy longer with the service, vote with your
> feet again and find a better option. It's as easy as that.
> Kind regards,
> Martin List-Petersen

Airwire - Ag Nascadh Pobal an Iarthar
Phone: 091-865 968

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