Oops..sorry to follow up on myself (and before anybody says anything about 
this, sorry/not sorry for top-posting - it's on myself after all)..but I'd 
meant to include this:

Case in point:  This very (original) thread, about Packetstream - if I had just 
posted the original thread, about how it's inducing users to violate their 
providers' ToS, how that's a breach of contract, etc... how many here would 
have a) not given a second thought, writing it off as the rantings of at best 
someone who doesn't know anything, and at worst a troll, or b) would have 
challenged me to explain my credentials - which would have take up far more 
space than my .sig :-(


> On Apr 26, 2019, at 2:55 PM, Anne P. Mitchell, Esq. <amitch...@isipp.com> 
> wrote:
> Apparently, after many, many years of using essentially the same .sig here, 
> it is now an issue of contention.  (Well, 3 people probably does not 
> contention make, but still...).
> However, as one person decided I was trying to market myself, let me address 
> why I have all of that info in there:
> Primarily I leave in all of my background because people (at least those here 
> in the states) tend to a) assume that attorneys are all just "corporate 
> suits" with no understanding of or experience with deep Internet issues, and 
> b) attorneys are generally disliked. ;-)  Over the years I've found that it's 
> best to include my chops right up front, so folks can be reassured that I'm 
> not only on the right (white hat) side of things, but that I actually do know 
> what I'm talking about.
> I can tell you absolutely that the pushback I get from people in our 
> industries who *don't* know my background, when I provide information based 
> on that background and my expertise, is far greater, and bordering at times 
> on abusive (come to think of it, not unlike some of the pushback I got when I 
> first arrived at MAPS, from a certain volunteer  ;-)).
> I'm open to suggestions (other than the suggestion to sod off).
> Anne
> [This .sig space open to suggestions.]

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