On 5/15/19 7:26 AM, Dovid Bender wrote:
> You have no idea how sad and true this is. 
> On Wed, May 15, 2019 at 10:16 AM Jon Lewis <jle...@lewis.org
> <mailto:jle...@lewis.org>> wrote:
>     On Wed, 15 May 2019, Mike Hammett wrote:
>     > What is the most common platform people are using with such
>     limitations? How long ago was it deprecated?
>     One network's deprecated router is another network's new [bargain
>     priced]
>     core router.  :)

This is very true. I picked up a nicely equipped juniper mx240 - waayyyy
overkill for my current operation - for far, far cheaper than anything I
could have otherwise afforded new. Absolutely killer could not be
happier, and J has won a convert. But, I find this seems to be the thing
- needing capacity/feature sets/etc just to be able to stand still, but
not having the revenue stream to actually pay new for what these vendors
want to charge for their gear/licenses/etc.


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