On 15/May/19 19:20, Mike wrote:

> This is very true. I picked up a nicely equipped juniper mx240 -
> waayyyy overkill for my current operation - for far, far cheaper than
> anything I could have otherwise afforded new. Absolutely killer could
> not be happier, and J has won a convert. But, I find this seems to be
> the thing - needing capacity/feature sets/etc just to be able to stand
> still, but not having the revenue stream to actually pay new for what
> these vendors want to charge for their gear/licenses/etc.

It is a quagmire, isn't it?

The revenue from capacity (Ethernet, IP, DWDM, SDH) is falling every
year, to a point where it stops becoming a primary revenue source for
any telecoms provider. However, the cost of equipment is not following
suit, be it on the IP, Transport or Mobile side, terrestrial, marine or

Work that is going on in the open space around all of this for hardware
and software needs to pick its pace up, otherwise this disconnect
between the loss of revenue and the cost of capex will remain.


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