> On May 28, 2019, at 6:41 AM, Jérôme Nicolle <jer...@ceriz.fr> wrote:
> Hi NaNOG !
> I'm looking for a muxponder that would take OTU4s on the network side
> and provide 10/40/100GbE on the client side, with some kind of
> oversubscription, as to provide a "fractional 100GbE" e.g. starting with
> 30-60Gbps commit that could be upgraded to 100GbE when network capacity
> is available.
> Is that something feasible at a decent price ?
> I've read that Broadcom' StrataDNX (Qumran / Jericho) chips have OTN
> support in addition to ethernet now, is there some vendor who leverages
> this, preferably with OCP gear ?


IP Infusion’s OcNOS is geared towards OCP gear, and while it’s not exactly what 
you’re looking for, they recently published[1] a note pertaining to IPoDWDM, so 
I could see them having maybe already done something along the lines of what 
you’re asking about, or they may have plans to.


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