Jeff Shultz <>:
> As is, one thing that grates a bit personally is that the two advisor
> pages do not share a common structure - If I'm doing a comparison,
> even unconsciously, I'm going to want to be looking at like objects.
> Instead, I have your page, which matches the rest of the formatting of
> the Loadsharer's website, and then I go to Dave Täht's page which is a
> Patreon blog post, with a very different appearance.
> I suggest that you provide Advisors with Loadsharer pages like your
> own, to increase the commonality between list appearances.
> My background is military - some uniformity counts in my worldview.
> Maybe the lack of it will assist in splitting the loadsharers between
> Advisors, which could be considered a feature.

No, I think you are right and had already identified this as a problem.
I just hadn't gotten around to nudging Dave about it yet.  I'm 
forwarding this to him.

I'm going to take your feedback as actionable advice that I need to do 
something formal about making adviser pages comparable *now*, rather
than when I get a round tuit.

What I can do about this within the Loadsharers organizational design
is put up a "Best practices for Advisers" page strongly recommending
that new advisers should clone an existing Adviser page when creating
theirs.  I'll put that up today.

I can also offer advisers the ability to host their pages through the
Gitlab repository I use for the main loadsharers page and FAQ, with the
same toolchain for making the HTML.

Which is, in case anyone didn't recognize it, asciidoc. With a Gitlab
CI job rendering to GitLab pages and a custom domain.
                <a href="";>Eric S. Raymond</a>

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