Once upon a time, Jon Lewis <jle...@lewis.org> said:
> This may have been an anomaly made possible by early .com $, but I'm
> pretty sure at one point, companies like VA Research / VA Linux
> employed developers who in various cases worked part or full time on
> the Linux kernel and other Open Source projects "as their job".

The vast majority of developers of software in a typical Linux
distribution are paid to work on it.  That's what companies like Red
Hat, Canonical, SuSE, and many others do.

There's lots of other stuff that's contributed to as a consequence of
their job.  When I needed software to support DEC Unix features for
example (because that's what my company used), I wrote patches and
submitted them to OpenSSH, BIND, etc.  My company was fine with that
(we weren't going to sell software).

Chris Adams <c...@cmadams.net>

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