On 19 Jul 2019, at 11:34 AM, Matt Harris 
<m...@netfire.net<mailto:m...@netfire.net>> wrote:

On Fri, Jul 19, 2019 at 10:29 AM John Curran 
<jcur...@arin.net<mailto:jcur...@arin.net>> wrote:

Matt -

Chris is correct.   Those who received IPv4 address blocks by InterNIC (or its 
predecessors) prior to the inception of ARIN on 22 December 1997 are legacy 
resource holders, and continue to receive those same registry services for 
those blocks (Whois, reverse DNS, ability to update) without any need for an 
agreement with ARIN.  This has been provided without any fee to the original 
registrants (or their legal successors) as recognition of their contributions 
to the early Internet.

Hey John, I understand that, however my understanding is that the establishment 
of an ARIN RSA is required prior to the transfer of a block or a portion or a 
block via ARIN (such as the transfer of 44.192/10). Thus, this would mean that 
the 44/8 block is now governed by an (well, more than one, now that it's split) 
ARIN RSA (or LRSA) whereas it was not before.  Is that not correct?

Matt -

ARIN doesn’t discuss details of specific registrations publicly; you need to 
refer any such questions to the registrant.


John Curran
President and CEO
American Registry for Internet Numbers

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