On Mon, Jul 22, 2019 at 4:02 PM Jerry Cloe <je...@jtcloe.net> wrote:

> There's already widespread use (abuse ?) of DOD /8's. T-Mobile commonly
> assigns 26/8 space (and others) to customers and nat's it.
My understanding is that is not currently commonly the case


> -----Original message-----
> *From:* Michel Py <michel...@tsisemi.com>
> *Sent:* Mon 07-22-2019 05:36 pm
> *Subject:* RE: 44/8
> *To:* William Herrin <b...@herrin.us>;
> *CC:* North American Network Operatorsā€˜ Group <nanog@nanog.org>;
> As an extension of RFC1918, it would have solved the questionable and
> nevertheless widespread squatting of 30/8 and other un-announced DoD blocks
> because 10/8 is not big enough for some folks.
> Michel

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